GPhC survey of registered pharmacy professionals 2013

In autumn 2013 the GPhC commissioned NatCen Social Research to carry out a survey of registered pharmacy professionals.

The regulation of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacies changed with the establishment of the GPhC as the independent regulator of pharmacy in 2010. The Registrant Survey 2013 provided a first look at a pharmacy field which has expanded to include pharmacy technicians as part of the regulated pharmacy team. 

All pharmacy technicians (21,672) and a large probability sample of pharmacists (30,040) as well as pharmacist prescribers were invited to take part in the survey asking about their work, practice and responsibilities.

Over twenty-nine thousand registered pharmacy professionals responded to the survey; 15,553 pharmacists and 13,515 pharmacy technicians. This is the first survey of its kind we have carried out and it provided us with important insights into areas including employment and practice, responsibilities and appraisals.

We have used the findings to inform our work to improve the way pharmacy professionals and services are regulated. This includes developing new approaches to assuring the continuing fitness to practise of registrants and the quality of education and training.

Thank you

We would like to thank all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who gave their time to take part in the survey – each response was important to the success of this survey.

We would also like to say thank you to all those who helped us to develop the survey, especially the pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who gave their time to test and discuss the questionnaire.

In addition, a number of stakeholders kindly gave their comments on the questionnaire, we would like to thank them all.


Three different questionnaires were used in this survey: