Thank you for sharing your views on our consultations

27 September 2018

We want to say a big thank you to everyone who has shared their views on our recent consultations on:

  • developing our approach to regulating registered pharmacies
  • making sure patients and the public can obtain medicines safely online
  • initial education and training standards for pharmacist independent prescribers
  • our publication and disclosure policy

Over the last six months we have heard from around 3,000 individuals and organisations through our online consultations and events. 

You can read the consultation report from the consultation on the initial education and training of pharmacist independent prescribers here. This report summarises the key themes we heard through the consultation, and our Council will use what we heard when deciding on our final approach at their upcoming meeting.

We are currently analysing the feedback we have heard on developing our approach to regulating registered pharmacies, and our proposals on making sure patients and the public can obtain medicines safely online, before these are discussed by our Council. Look out for further details on these in future editions of Regulate.