Pharmacy technician statutory committee role

We are looking for several pharmacy technicians to join our Fitness to Practise Committee and Investigating Committee.

The role

We are offering unique and flexible roles within our independent Statutory Committees. You will make a vital contribution to patient safety and public confidence in the pharmacy professions, whilst developing transferable skills and demonstrating the GPhC’s core values.

Members of our Investigating Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee sit as a decision-making panel of three, at hearings and meetings. They sit on cases where a pharmacist or pharmacy technician’s fitness to practise has been called into question and make objective and evidence-based decisions. The panel are supported by a legal advisor, and where necessary a clinical advisor, to reach decisions that protect the public, maintain standards and uphold public confidence in the profession.

We encourage applications from those who have never been part of a committee but who can demonstrate the skills required - full training will be provided. We would particularly welcome applicants who are currently under-represented on our committees, including those from a range of backgrounds, including people with disabilities, people from ethnic minority backgrounds, those early in their careers.

The roles are remunerated, and reasonable expenses will be covered (in line with the GPhC’s Associates and Partners expenses policy).

Applying for this role

Please note that:

  • to be eligible to apply, pharmacy technicians must currently be registered with the GPhC or eligible to practise in Northern Ireland.
  • GPhC staff members, employed over the last five years are not eligible to apply, but this does not include applicants who hold other Associate or Partner roles. If you are unsure if you are able to apply, please contact the Associates and Partners Team.

If you feel you have the required experience and skills, please see the Statutory Committee recruitment pack.

To apply, please complete the application form and send it to A& We will not accept CVs and covering letters.

We welcome applications from all sections of the community and geographical locations in Great Britain Including Northern Ireland

We are committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity and being inclusive in all our work as a health professions regulator. If you require this application in an alternative format or other assistance with your application, please contact the Associates and Partners team as soon as possible at A& to discuss this.

Finding out more

Join us at a virtual open morning on Tuesday 4 February between 8:15 and 9:00 am, to find out more about these posts and to hear how to complete the application form. 

Book your place

If you are unable to attend this session, we will be happy to supply further FAQs after the event upon request, or you can contact the Associates and Partners Team directly at the email above.

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