Our guide explains how to provide feedback or make a complaint, how we manage them and our responsibilities
Find out how we manage complaints about Council members
Read our approach to managing the contact we have with someone
We’re committed to providing a high quality, transparent and accessible service to everyone. If something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it.
We aim to resolve complaints quickly, fairly and confidentially. We treat all feedback seriously and learn from it so we can continuously improve our service.
Equally, if you’ve experienced good service from us or feel someone deserves praise, we would like to hear about it. It helps us to understand what we’re doing well and how we can expand the services we provide.
Please complete the form below if your complaint or feedback is about:
If you have concerns about a pharmacist, pharmacy technician or pharmacy, please visit our reporting concerns page.
Please read the feedback guide for more information on what we can and cannot deal with through our corporate complaints procedure.
Our guide explains how to provide feedback or make a complaint, how we manage them and our responsibilities
Find out how we manage complaints about Council members
Read our approach to managing the contact we have with someone
Please fill in this online form to provide feedback or make a complaint. Include your name, email and as much detail about your complaint or feedback as possible.
We’ll use this information to investigate the issue and respond to you.
When investigating your feedback, we’ll:
If there’s anything we’re unclear about, we’ll ask you to provide us with further details by writing or calling you. If we call, we’ll check you’re happy to talk in this way.
After investigating your feedback we’ll send you a written explanation of what’s happened, details of how the situation has been or will be addressed, and the likely timescale for this where appropriate. This full response will usually be sent within 15 working days of receiving your full feedback. If we have to change any of our timescales, we’ll let you know and will explain why.
If you’re not satisfied with our response to your feedback, you should write or email us again to let us know. We’ll acknowledge your correspondence within three working days of receiving it.
The relevant director will review the situation and then write to you giving you our final position on your feedback and our reasons. This will usually be sent to you within 20 working days.
If we need to change any of the timescales, we’ll let you know and explain why.
There are no further mechanisms in operation within the organisation for taking the matter further. You should seek independent legal advice.
You can also contact the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), which oversees our work. You can contact the PSA on info@professionalstandards.org.uk or 020 7389 8030.