Council meeting on 8 September 2022

Our governing Council met on 8 September 2022. See the full agenda and download the meeting papers.

Meetings of the council are open to the public, except in occasional circumstances when a session may be deemed to be confidential. If you would like to attend please contact the council secretary at least two working days before the meeting.

Download the meeting papers


  • Attendance and introductory remarks 
  • Declarations of interest – public items 
  • Minutes of the 14 July meeting
  • Minutes of the public session – for approval
  • Actions and matters arising
  • Workshop summary – 14 July meeting
  • Reporting on the June 2022 Registration Assessment sitting
  • Guidance on standards for education and training of pharmacist independent prescribing
  • Key issues in the external context: online pharmacy services
  • Key issues in the external context: temporary pharmacy closures
  • Assurance and Appointments Committee annual report
  • Any other business
  • Board Assurance Report
  • Quality & Performance Assurance Committee: terms of reference
  • Council awayday discussion
  • Any other business
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