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Gisela's blog

Gisela Abbam - GPhC Chair
Every edition of Regulate contains a blog article by GPhC Chair, Gisela Abbam.
November 2024

Making pharmacy services accessible to everyone

In her blog for this edition, our chair, Gisela Abbam, highlights how pharmacy teams can help meet the needs of people with a range of disabilities, and also looks at the impact of medicines shortages. In this edition of Regulate, we’re focusing on...

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November 2024

Why it’s important to avoid braille obstruction on medicine packaging

Find out how pharmacy teams can help make sure people with sight loss can access essential medicines and information about them Patient experience Key information and statistics on sight loss in the UK Tips on how to support people with sight loss...

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November 2024

The struggle around medicines shortages

Medicines shortages can be distressing for all involved, including patients, the public and pharmacy teams. In this article we look at the extent of the problem, and at what pharmacy teams can do to help. The impact of medicines shortages on pharmacy...

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Last updated 21/10/2024