Annual plan 2021/22

This annual plan 2021/22 outlines our key priorities for year two of our Strategic Plan 2020-25, setting out where we intend to get to towards achieving our ten-year vision of safe and effective pharmacy care at the heart of healthier communities.

Our work over the coming year continues to be organised under the five strategic aims, to:

  • deliver an adaptable standards framework that meets public and professional needs that are changing quickly
  • deliver effective, consistent and fair regulation
  • drive improvements in pharmacy care by modernising how we regulate education and training
  • shift the balance towards more anticipatory, proportionate and tailored approaches to regulating pharmacy
  • enhance our capabilities and infrastructure to help deliver our vision

This annual plan outlines the activities to be carried out under these areas this year as well as setting out how we will measure our success. It will be supported by more detailed regular reporting to our Council. 

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