Vision and strategy

Our vision is to have safe and effective pharmacy care at the heart of healthier communities. 

Setting out our vision helps us to focus on the difference we want to make to patients and the public. By protecting people, we’ll improve their health and give them the confidence to use pharmacy services.

To do this, we need to drive forward improvement in pharmacy care and make sure that pharmacy professionals and pharmacies meet our standards. 

Our Vision sets out how by 2030, we will be:

  • A good quality, independent regulator of pharmacy for the public
  • Practising an anticipatory and proportionate approach to regulation
  • Operating as a professional and lean organisation 

We can’t do this alone and we are committed to working with other organisations and individuals to achieve our vision of safe and effective care for patients and the public.

How we’ll achieve our vision

Our strategic plan 2020-25 sets out the work we plan to do over the first five years to help us achieve our 10-year vision. Our five key priorities in this time are to:

  • deliver an adaptable standards framework that meets rapidly changing public and professional needs 
  • deliver effective, consistent and fair regulation
  • drive improvements in pharmacy care through modernising our regulation of education and training. 
  • shift the balance towards more anticipatory, proportionate and tailored approaches to regulating pharmacy by 
  • enhance our capabilities and infrastructure to deliver our vision