Who can join
Anyone in England, Scotland and Wales can join the panel, as long as they are not registered pharmacy technicians or pharmacists.
What is involved
Panel members take part in different online activities like completing a survey or reading a short document and answering some questions. And they are occasionally invited to take part in other activities like phone interviews or attending an online or in-person focus group.
For each activity panel members receive online Love2Shop voucher codes as a thank you for taking part. The amount depends on the type of activity and how long it takes.
Activities are offered on an ad-hoc basis. Sometimes the whole panel will be asked to participate, and sometimes a random sample or a targeted group, for example people in a particular age group.
How to join
To join the Public Panel, complete this survey.
The survey asks you to provide your contact details, some demographic questions, such as your age, and some special category questions, such as whether you are a parent or carer. We are asking these questions to make sure we have a wide range of people represented on the panel, and also so that we can target some activities at specific groups of people.
The survey results will always be anonymous, and we will not share your personal data with any other organisations. You can withdraw from the panel at any time, and your data will be deleted.