If you are unsure whether a person is a GPhC inspector then you should get in touch with the GPhC contact centre.
Call us Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on 0203 713 8000.
Our inspection team carry out routine and intelligence-led inspections and themed reviews. During inspections, our inspectors look for evidence that standards are being met.
During pharmacy inspections, our inspectors will be looking for evidence to show that the standards for registered pharmacies are met. Our inspections follow a ‘show and tell’ approach; our inspectors look at the pharmacy services being provided and involve members of the pharmacy team in the inspection.
The whole pharmacy team will need to understand the standards and think about what examples they can give to show how they are meeting the standards and what supporting evidence they can provide.
Inspections are generally unannounced. This is because we believe it is important for us to inspect a pharmacy as patients and members of the public find it and to see how well a pharmacy is meeting our standards day to day.
Inspections generally take around three hours, but the length will vary depending upon the nature of the pharmacy and the focus of the inspection.
When a GPhC inspector arrives for an inspection they will show their identification and the Responsible Pharmacist should check this identification.
Most inspections take place between 9am and 5pm, although a small number may take place later if the pharmacy opens later or over the weekend if there is good reason for this.
In situations where an inspector thinks that continuing an inspection may mean that patient safety could be put at risk, they will halt the inspection and resume when it is safe to do so.
Responsibility for meeting pharmacy standards lies with pharmacy owners. However, we realise that the pharmacy owner or superintendent may not be in attendance when the inspection takes place. Where this is the case, we will still carry out our inspection, even if on that day the Responsible Pharmacist is a locum. This is because pharmacies must meet our standards every day.
If you are unsure whether a person is a GPhC inspector then you should get in touch with the GPhC contact centre.
Call us Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on 0203 713 8000.
During the inspection, the inspectors will continue to speak to the pharmacy team as a whole rather than just the owner, superintendent or Responsible Pharmacist.
Inspectors will not be looking for a standard set of documents or practices. Instead, the owner and superintendent, in collaboration with the pharmacy team, must provide evidence of how they meet the standards.
Our inspectors will gather and record evidence in a number of ways, including:
Inspectors will ask a range of questions to help them understand the context in which a pharmacy is operating and use a ‘show and tell’ approach.
The evidence collected by our inspectors will be used to assess whether a pharmacy has met all of the standards.
At the end of the inspection the inspector will go through their findings with the Responsible Pharmacist, who will be asked to confirm they have received feedback from the inspection. The Responsible Pharmacist has an opportunity to make any additional comments. This is important to show that the evidence recorded on the report is an accurate reflection of what the inspector saw and was shown on the day.
Pharmacies which have not met one or more of the standards will also be asked to complete an improvement action plan setting out what action they are planning to take to improve against those standards.
Our inspectors use the following framework and note in assessing if a pharmacy has met the standards
Our inspection team carry out both routine and intelligence-led inspections. We also undertake themed reviews, where we visit a range of pharmacies to look in detail at a particular theme.
Click on the titles below to find out more about each type of inspection.
Routine pharmacy inspections are carried out using a ‘show and tell’ model where our inspectors talk to the whole pharmacy team. Our inspections are unannounced as a general rule.
Since June 2022, we have been taking a more proportionate approach to routine inspections, which include inspections of a representative control sample of pharmacies. This sample provides a snapshot of performance of pharmacies across Great Britain and within each country. The insights from these inspections help inform risk-based programmes of work and learning for the sector.
We are also using what we learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time, we targeted our resources towards pharmacies that had previously not met all the standards and pharmacies that had never been inspected, typically because these pharmacies first registered with us during the pandemic. We introduced support calls to pharmacies to check how they were coping and to signpost pharmacy teams to resources that may help them deliver their services to patients and the public.
Reports from routine inspections are published on our pharmacy inspections website.
We continue to carry out other types of routine inspections, including re-inspections of pharmacies that have failed one or more standards after six months, and routine inspections of new pharmacies joining the register.
We have also built assurance calls and visits into our model. These assurance calls and visits are not inspections, and they are not published. These calls and visits consist of us getting in touch or visiting pharmacies to get assurance that they are operating safely for the public and pharmacy service users.