Superintendent pharmacist nomination

The superintendent pharmacist is responsible for the management and administration of medicines in a pharmacy. You’ll need to nominate a superintendent pharmacist if you’re registering a new pharmacy, notifying us of a change of ownership or replacing a previous superintendent pharmacist. 

It’s straightforward to inform us of your superintendent pharmacist by completing the nomination of a superintendent form.

You’ll need to nominate a superintendent pharmacist if: 

  • you’re applying to register a new pharmacy or to restore a pharmacy to the register, where the pharmacy owner organisation is an NHS Trust, body corporate or limited liability partnership which doesn’t currently own any other pharmacies
  • you’re notifying us of the change of ownership of a pharmacy, where the new owner organisation is an NHS Trust, body corporate, or limited liability partnership which doesn’t currently own any other pharmacies
  • a new superintendent pharmacist is replacing a previous superintendent of an existing pharmacy owner organisation

If you have an NHS contract, you should also notify your local NHS team of any changes.

Completing the form

If you’re completing the nomination of a superintendent form as part of a new premises registration, restoration or change of ownership, make sure you include this with your main application form.

If you’re completing this form due to a change in superintendent, there is no charge for notifying us. Please be aware that the previous superintendent also has a legal responsibility to notify us of their resignation.

You can return the completed form to us by post or you can email a scanned PDF copy of your completed form via email to us at 

Resigning as a superintendent pharmacist

If you’re no longer going to be the superintendent pharmacist, you must let us know. You can notify us before the date you stop, but it’s a legal requirement to contact us no later than 28 days after stopping.

Download and complete the resignation of superintendent form. You’ll need to provide evidence of the date you’ve stopped, such as a copy of the resignation confirmation letter from your employer. There’s no charge.

Please email a scanned PDF copy of your completed form and evidence to us at

If the organisation you are leaving has an NHS contract, it is their responsibility to notify their local NHS team that you will no longer be the superintendent pharmacist for that organisation.