Declarations from pharmacy professionals

Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians must declare to us anything that may affect their fitness to practise.

What do we mean by ‘fitness to practise’?

Submitting a declaration to us doesn’t mean there will automatically be a restriction imposed on your registration, or that we’ll necessarily try and stop you from working. What it means is that we can take steps to check whether or not there are any risks to you, or to patients and the public that we need to consider and, if necessary, address.

Seven days to self-declare

You must tell us within seven days if you become aware of an issue which may affect your fitness to practise - such as a health issue, a police caution or an investigation into criminal or professional wrongdoing.

It’s important that you don’t wait until you renew your registration to declare these issues even if you believe that patients would not be put at risk, or that confidence in the profession would not be affected.

If there is an issue you have not previously told us about, or that has changed since your last declaration, please tell us now; even if you are not sure it is relevant.


We need to know if you have a long term health condition which is impairing or may impair your fitness to practise. We need to know about any issues where your ill health may:

  • affect your ability to practise safely
  • be a risk to patient safety
  • prevent you from carrying out any of the regular tasks of a pharmacist or pharmacy technician

You don’t need to tell us if you are unfit to work for a limited period of time due to a physical health condition. But if you’re unsure it’s best to submit a declaration.

What happens once I submit a declaration?

Once you have submitted your declaration, we will consider the information you give us, and we may begin to make some enquiries. Based on all the evidence we gather, we’ll make a decision following our investigations and threshold criteria guidance.

For less serious cases which do not meet the criteria we may decide to take no further action, or to offer some informal advice.

In more serious cases, following an investigation, we may refer the case to the Investigating Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee. 

Help and support

If you are a member of a membership body (such as the Pharmacists’ Defence Association) or a professional body (such as the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, or the Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK) they can give you advice and information about how to meet our standards as well as what to do if you find yourself under investigation.

Pharmacist Support is an independent charity working for pharmacists and their families, former pharmacists and pharmacy students to provide help and support in times of need.