Find out about our previous consultations and the proposals agreed as a result.
Below you can read about our consultations from 2018 until the present year. We report on our findings for each consultation and our responses to the results.
If you’re interested in any of our consultations before 2018 please email us.
Survey on guidance for registered pharmacies providing pharmacy services at a distance, including on the internet
We asked for views on changes we proposed to our guidance for registered pharmacies on providing pharmacy services at a distance, including on the internet.
Consultation on the quality assurance of pharmacy education and training
The consultation sought views on proposals to develop our approach to the quality assurance of pharmacy education and training
Consultation on draft Standards for Chief Pharmacists
We asked for views on new draft Standards for Chief Pharmacists This 12-week consultation asked for views on our draft Standards for Chief Pharmacists, which set out the professional responsibilities and describe the knowledge, conduct, and...
Consultation on draft changes to fees 2023
We are proposing a 7.5% increase in all the fees we charge for pharmacist and pharmacy technician registration, pharmacy premises registration, and the foundation training year.
Discussion paper on hearings and outcomes guidance for fitness to practise panels
The discussion paper sought views on updating our guidance for fitness to practise panels to help them make decisions on outcomes, including when dealing with concerns about discriminatory behaviour.
Consultation on draft equality guidance for pharmacies
The consultation sought views on our draft guidance for pharmacies which is designed to help tackle discrimination and make sure that everyone can access safe and effective person-centred pharmacy care.
Consultation on remote hearings
We consulted on a proposed permanent change to our procedural rules to give us the express legal power to conduct some of our hearings and meetings remotely by teleconference or videolink.
Consultation on changes to requirements for training as a pharmacist independent prescriber
We consulted on changes which will enable more pharmacists to begin their independent prescriber training.
Consultation on our draft equality, diversity and inclusion strategy
We consulted on our draft strategy to help transform the GPhC’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion, which proposed for a more proactive and joined up approach in using our regulatory influence and levers to help reform the structures and...
Consultation on our fee review (developing the fees strategy)
We consulted on proposals to help us develop our fees strategy/our overall approach to fee setting, which is part of our long-term financial strategy to deliver a financially stable organisation that can effectively fund the cost of regulation.
Consultation on managing concerns about pharmacy professionals
The newly developed strategy proposes to take quick action to protect patients when needed, while at the same time promoting and encouraging a learning culture that allows pharmacy professionals to deal with any concerns and go back to practising in...
Consultation on English language skills competence
We consulted on revised guidance on evidence of English language skills
Consultation on the draft 2020 fees rules
In early 2020 we run a consultation on proposals to increase registration fees for pharmacy premises from £262 to £365.
Consultation on draft guidance for pharmacist prescribers
The consultation was based on our proposed guidance for pharmacist prescribers to make sure they provide safe and effective care when prescribing.
Consultation on the initial education and training standards for pharmacists
We consulted on significant changes to the initial education and training of pharmacists.
Consultation on the draft 2019 fees rules
We consulted on proposals to increase the entry and yearly renewal fees for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and registered pharmacies.
Consultation on our publication and disclosure policy
Policy on publishing and disclosing information about individuals who are subject to fitness to practise procedures.
Consultation on developing our approach to regulating registered pharmacies
We consulted on developing our approach to regulating registered pharmacies. This would include publishing inspection reports for the first time. The consultation ran from June to August 2018.
Making sure patients and the public obtain medicines and other pharmacy services safely online
In June 2018 we published a discussion paper proposing that online pharmacies will have to put in place new safeguards to protect people who want to obtain medicines online, including opiates, antibiotics, asthma inhalers and Botox.