Safe and effective pharmacy care at the heart of healthier communities

Learn more about what we do

We’re the regulator for pharmacies, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Great Britain.  Our role is to protect everyone who uses pharmacy services. 

Search our registers

All pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy premises who are currently licensed to practise in Great Britain must renew their registration with us annually. You can check their details and registration status by using the search facility below.

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New advice for men taking valproate

Men taking valproate and their partners are being advised to use effective contraception because of new data suggesting a potential small increased risk of harm to children if valproate is used by a father at conception. The Medicines and Healthcare...

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Report a concern

Our role is to protect patients and the public and give them assurance that they will receive safe and effective care when using pharmacy services. 

One of the ways we do that is by investigating concerns about individual pharmacists and pharmacy technicians where there may be a risk to patient safety or the public confidence in pharmacy could be affected. We also look into concerns about pharmacies.

Use our online form to report a concern

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